

untitled-7-150x150ACMi is your HQ for First Lights in The Heights
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2013 Noon to 5 PM

At 4:30 PM on Saturday December 7th, ACMi will act as First Lights Arlington Heights anchor for caroling by the Liberty Belle Chorus and tree lighting at the conclusion of a town-wide kick-off to the holiday season organized by Arlington’s Chamber of Commerce.

From noon to 5 PM, two free trolleys will transport shoppers along Mass Ave from the Russell Municipal Parking Lot (free parking all day) to East Arlington and to Arlington Heights, making stops along the way. ACMi will participate along with other local businesses in offering special activities to promote the holiday spirit. The event will culminate at 4:30 PM with caroling and at 5:00 PM with a holiday tree lighting in each business district.

If you are in Arlington Heights this Saturday between 4:30 and 5:00 PM, please join us at 85 Park Ave (at Paul Revere Road) for caroling, hot cider, and cookies as ACMi lights its outdoor trees and window candles for the holiday season.

Happy First Lights, Arlington!

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December 5, 2013
