

Submit a Bulletin Board Item

Get the word out to everyone in town with an item in the ACMi Community Bulletin Board!

Connect with your Community

The ACMi Community Bulletin Board (CBB) is a free service available to anyone who wishes to communicate with Arlington, Massachusetts, public television viewers. It can be telecast between programs on any of our three channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are interested in submitting a message to air on ACMi’s video bulletin board, please email cbb@acmi.tv.

Each CBB slide must be a 16:9 landscape orientation, 1920 px wide by 1080 px tall, with a minimum font size of 22pt, and should leave a large enough margin so content doesn’t get clipped off by older TVs (about 1 inch). When submitting your slide, please submit a .jpg or .png file.

ACMi Production (306)-min

creating a slide

We encourage you to be creative with your slides, but contact us for a set of templates for Microsoft Powerpoint and Word, as well as for Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Additionally, there are third-party online resources, such as Canva and SumoPaint, where you can easily design a slide that suits your message.

Community Bulletin Board Guidelines

  • All individuals and organizations may submit messages to the CBB, membership is not required.
  • Submit a message at least 10 days before you want it posted to the channel(s).
  • Organizations can submit up to three slides at a time to be displayed on the channel.
  • It is best to be very brief, presenting only the most important info (when, where, contacts).
  • No commercial advertising is allowed.
  • No direct appeals for funds are permitted. Charitable events may be promoted, including when, where and contact info.
  • ACMi reserves the right as a producer of the Community Bulletin Board to reject or edit any message that does not conform to its guidelines, or for reasons of content or length.

We no longer support .ppt files – you can still create your slides in PowerPoint and save them as .jpg files before sending.

Use This Form To
Send Us Your Slides

Community Bulletin Board (CBB) Slide Submission Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.