


Arlington Community Media, Inc. offers a variety of workshops. You can request training or a workshop in several areas and we will be more than happy to oblige.

Contact info@acmi.tv to get started.


(no prerequisite; no charge)

Visit us at Arlington Community Media Inc. and learn how you can be involved in community-produced television. Join us for this free orientation and learn everything you need to know to get started at ACMi. We’ll show you how to become a member, receive training, use our equipment, produce TV shows, or help others produce theirs. Take part in the world of digital communications – and learn a marketable skill in the process!

Field Production

Field Production

Basic Field Production

(Prerequisite: Orientation)

Learn the basics of producing a program outside the studio using state-of-the-art field production kits. Develop an understanding of set-up, composition, and basic camera skills.

Intermediate Field Production

(Prerequisite: Orientation and Basic Field Production)

Building from the skills developed in Basic Field Production, take your project further by focusing on advanced audio and video techniques. Topics will include lighting, camera and microphone options, and digital workflow.

Studio Production

Studio Production

Basic Studio Production

(Prerequisite: Orientation)

Build a foundation and understanding of what it takes to produce your own show. Learn the different positions in the control room as well as the studio. Equipment and techniques covered include camera operation, audio mixing, video switching, and much more.

Intermediate Studio Production

(Prerequisite: Orientation and Basic Studio Production)

Having learned what is possible in the studio, take your skills further and learn what it takes to be a producer or director. Develop a more in-depth understanding of the studio signal flow, and practice advanced techniques in audio mixing and video switching.

Portable Studio Production

(Prerequisites: Orientation and Basic Studio Production)

Participants learn how to direct a LIVE (or live-to-tape) production or do event coverage on location using a portable studio setup that includes robotic cameras, computer graphics, portable video switcher, lighting, and audio. Practical applications include coverage of performances, sporting events, meetings, and community festivals like Town Day. Also available to all participants: hands-on practice at actual meetings or events.



Basic Editing

(Prerequisite: Orientation)

Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful program for editing digital video that helps you create dynamic video content. Trainees will work with the basic concepts and features of Adobe Premiere Pro, and will run through a typical series of steps for creating, editing, and fine-tuning a series of video pieces. Concepts covered will include: the Premiere user interface, creating dynamic titles, capturing, video and audio transitions, and exporting your project for airing on ACMi channels.

Intermediate Editing

(Prerequisite: Orientation)

Building from Basic Editing, participants will develop a deeper understanding of more advanced techniques within Adobe Premiere Pro, including color correction, chroma key, and animation of graphics and text.

Program Design and Promotion

Program Design and Promotion

Promote your Production or Event on the CBB!

(Prerequisite: Orientation)

One of the many services ACMi offers is our Community Bulletin Board. The CBB is an electronic forum in which local producers and non-profit organizations may promote a program, an event, or themselves. This training focuses on preparation of the materials to be displayed on the CBB and on teaching basic skills in image composition, communication, and software (in this case, Adobe Photoshop).

Note: Participants should have an event or production to promote, along with necessary photos or logos to incorporate.

Developing Titles & Lower Thirds

(Prerequisites: Orientation and Basic Editing)

An often overlooked component in video production is the look and feel of a show, in addition to its recorded footage. Learn basic skills in design, composition, and software such as Adobe Illustrator, while creating the graphics that will further distinguish your show. Participants should have a program in production for which the materials are intended.

Developing Your Creative Open

(Prerequisites: Orientation, Developing Titles & Lower Thirds and Basic Editing)

Building on the training for Developing Titles and Lower Thirds, attendees are encouraged to grow the look and feel of their show with creative opens, incorporated video, graphics, motion graphics, and music/sound design.

Specialty Training

Specialty Training

Intro to Adobe After Effects

(Prerequisites: Orientation and experience using Adobe Premiere Pro and Photoshop)

Learn how to create and animate 3D graphics, roto-scope like the pros, cut out those unwanted things in your image, place anyone anywhere with the use of professional Key effects, and look good doing it! ACMi offers intro to After Effects training for people of all ages.

Note: Participants should have an event or production to promote, along with necessary photos or logos to incorporate.

Stop-Motion Animation

(Prerequisites: Orientation)

This hands-on animation training for adults covers stop-motion animation from theory to practice. Students work in groups with a variety of mediums, including paper, clay, legos, and whatever else folks bring in to animate.


(Prerequisites: Orientation)

Learn how to write the Hollywood movie you always wanted to see on the silver screen. Learn about story structure and character development. Learn tips that the pros use and how to pitch your script.

Creating the Micro Documentary

(Prerequisites: Orientation)

This course of instruction will teach you how to plan, write, shoot, and direct your own 2-to-5 minute micro-documentary. Documentaries must be about subjects related to the community.

(Open to all ages)

Contact us for schedule, sign-up, and more information