

Official Launch of Arlington Public News

Anchors photo for newsletter_2013.08.21Arlington Public News, led by ACMi News Director Sara Alfaro-Franco and featuring anchors Paul Wehrlin and Michelle Marino, officially commences its biweekly hyperlocal newscasts Thursday, September 26th.

New programs will air every other week on Thursdays at 7:30 AM and 7:30 PM. Volunteer citizen journalists research and report Arlington issues and events for cablecast on the ACMi Public channel via RCN 3, Comcast 8, and Verizon 31. Newscasts are also available online at news.acmi.tv.

For the past three months, the core group of APN news team volunteers has been producing short news digest segments of Selectmen and School Committee meetings, community events, and announcements in preparation for going public this month. Watch tonight at 7:30PM on the Public channel.

For more information or to report news items, contact news@acmi.tv or call 781-777-1115.

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September 26, 2013
