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Date | Time | Program Title |
Thu 11/28 | 10:00 AM | The Curious Giraffe Show Do Doodle Bugs Doodle? by Dorothy Cresswell |
Thu 11/28 | 10:24 AM | The Curious Giraffe Show Do Fiddler Crabs Fiddle? by Dorothy Cresswell |
Thu 11/28 | 11:00 AM | The Culinary Kid Ice Cream Pie |
Thu 11/28 | 11:30 AM | The Culinary Kid Pizza |
Thu 11/28 | 12:00 PM | The Folklorist The Legend of Princess Caraboo, Powder Alarm, Ape Canyon by NewTV |
Thu 11/28 | 2:00 PM | Talk of the Town Jean Sicurella, Misión de Caridad |
Thu 11/28 | 2:30 PM | Cooking and Kids Auckland Parks and Asian Soup – New Zealand by Vlada Vladic |
Thu 11/28 | 3:00 PM | Meeting Interesting People with guest Nicholas Shaplyko by Elena Neva This program is in Russian ??????? |
Thu 11/28 | 3:25 PM | Meeting Interesting People with guest Cynthia Gallant by Elena Neva |
Thu 11/28 | 4:00 PM | The Folklorist The Hurricane of 1938, The Tale of Nikola Tesla, Kilroy Was Here, The Grape Island Alarm by NewTV |
Thu 11/28 | 4:30 PM | Colour in Your Life Penelope Gilbert |
Thu 11/28 | 4:54 PM | Colour in Your Life Lynley van Alphen |
Thu 11/28 | 5:30 PM | Doggy Dilemmas - Play |
Thu 11/28 | 6:00 PM | Butterscott: Behind the Butter by Jonathan Barbato & Jonathan Pressman |
Thu 11/28 | 7:00 PM | Sustainable Landscaping Workshop Series Part 3: Maintaining a Sustainable Landscape by Ken Pruitt |
Thu 11/28 | 9:00 PM | Veteran Interviews with Jeffrey Chunglo Robert Ames, Marine Corps by Jeff Chunglo and Katie Chang |
Thu 11/28 | 10:00 PM | Veteran Interviews Veteran Interviews - Marc Bishop |
Fri 11/29 | 7:30 AM | The Folklorist Robert Smalls, The Great Brant Rock Fire, Ichabod Paddock by NewTV |
Fri 11/29 | 8:00 AM | Doggie Dilemmas - Black Lab |
Fri 11/29 | 9:00 AM | Stories and Art for Children The Great Chocolate Train Wreck Mystery by Peggy Fenner |
Fri 11/29 | 9:30 AM | Songs From the Circle Season 3 Episode 6 by Hugh Hanley |
Fri 11/29 | 10:00 AM | Songs From the Circle Season 5 Episode 4 by Hugh Hanley |
Fri 11/29 | 10:30 AM | Behind the Curtain with John Pease by Susan Harrington |
Fri 11/29 | 11:00 AM | Boardgamers UNO |
Fri 11/29 | 11:05 AM | Boardgamers Jenga |
Fri 11/29 | 11:12 AM | Boardgamers Headbanz |
Fri 11/29 | 11:17 AM | Boardgamers Monopoly |
Fri 11/29 | 11:30 AM | Teens Cook: French Edition Crepes |
Fri 11/29 | 12:00 PM | Teens Cook: French Edition Onion Soup |
Fri 11/29 | 12:30 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show Fascinating – The Life of Leonard Nimoy by Dorothy Cresswell |
Fri 11/29 | 1:02 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show Do Fiddler Crabs Fiddle? by Dorothy Cresswell |
Fri 11/29 | 1:30 PM | The Culinary Kid Ice Cream Pie |
Fri 11/29 | 2:00 PM | Cooking and Kids Superhero Breakfast by Vlada Vladic |
Fri 11/29 | 2:28 PM | Cooking and Kids Instantly Homemade Soup by Vlada Vladic |
Fri 11/29 | 3:00 PM | Cooking and Kids The Perfect Leg of Lamb – New Zealand by Vlada Vladic |
Fri 11/29 | 3:30 PM | Meeting Interesting People with guest Julia Pikalova by Elena Neva |
Fri 11/29 | 4:00 PM | The Folklorist The Robinson Crusoes of Wake Island, The Tornado That Saved Washington D.C., Springheeled Jack by NewTV |
Fri 11/29 | 4:30 PM | Colour in Your Life Lorraine Rogers |
Fri 11/29 | 4:54 PM | Colour in Your Life Nigel Wilson |
Fri 11/29 | 5:30 PM | Colour in Your Life Max Baccanello |
Fri 11/29 | 5:54 PM | Colour in Your Life Sally Lancaster |
Fri 11/29 | 6:30 PM | Doggy Dilemmas - Counter jumping |
Fri 11/29 | 7:30 PM | Butterscott: Behind the Butter by Jonathan Barbato & Jonathan Pressman |
Fri 11/29 | 8:30 PM | Veteran Interviews Veteran Interviews- Ray DeRosas Jeffrey Chunglo Interviews Veterans. |
Fri 11/29 | 9:30 PM | Veteran Interviews with Jeffrey Chunglo Ray Derosas, Marine Corps by Jeff Chunglo and Katie Chang |
Sat 11/30 | 12:00 AM | Night of the Living Dead (1968) |
Sat 11/30 | 8:00 AM | Stories and Art for Children Frijole The Sleepy Sloth by Peggy Fenner |
Sat 11/30 | 8:30 AM | Songs From the Circle Season 4 Episode 8 by Hugh Hanley |
Sat 11/30 | 9:00 AM | Teens Cook: French Edition Tartiflette |
Sat 11/30 | 9:30 AM | Behind the Curtain with Karen Dervin by Susan Harrington |
Sat 11/30 | 10:00 AM | Boardgamers UNO |
Sat 11/30 | 10:05 AM | Boardgamers Jenga |
Sat 11/30 | 10:12 AM | Boardgamers Headbanz |
Sat 11/30 | 10:17 AM | Boardgamers Monopoly |
Sat 11/30 | 10:30 AM | Teens Cook: French Edition French Baguette |
Sat 11/30 | 11:00 AM | BEE Bear Book Club Termites on a Stick by Brookline Interactive Group Sonya and Phil read a book about a little chimp learning and growing! It’s important to learn new things! In this episode Phil deals with a confusing elevator, we explore some new musical instruments and we count out some energetic little monkeys! |
Sat 11/30 | 12:00 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show Kokonambili by Dorothy Cresswell |
Sat 11/30 | 12:30 PM | Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat Episode 1 by Jaime Joseph |
Sat 11/30 | 1:00 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show Fascinating – The Life of Leonard Nimoy by Dorothy Cresswell |
Sat 11/30 | 1:32 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show The Squashmuck by Dorothy Cresswell |
Sat 11/30 | 2:30 PM | Reading Aloud - Tailor of Gloucester |
Sat 11/30 | 2:52 PM | Reading Aloud - Jemima Puddleduck |
Sat 11/30 | 3:03 PM | Reading Aloud - Johnny Townmouse |
Sat 11/30 | 3:13 PM | Reading Aloud - Tiggy Winkle |
Sat 11/30 | 3:25 PM | Reading aloud gingerandpickles |
Sat 11/30 | 4:00 PM | The Curious Giraffe Show A Crow of His Own by Dorothy Cresswell |
Sat 11/30 | 5:00 PM | The Books we Love |
Sat 11/30 | 6:00 PM | Cooking and Kids Green Power Salad by Vlada Vladic |
Sat 11/30 | 6:28 PM | Cooking and Kids Way Too Easy Mac and Cheese by Vlada Vladic |
Sat 11/30 | 7:00 PM | Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat Episode 2 by Jaime Joseph |
Sat 11/30 | 7:30 PM | Meeting Interesting People with guest Emily O'Brian by Elena Neva |
Sat 11/30 | 8:00 PM | Duets with Friends EP03 Miki Murray 160831 |
Sat 11/30 | 8:20 PM | Duets with Friends EP02 Priscilla -Mom- Pike 160831 |
Sat 11/30 | 9:00 PM | The Folklorist The Ponzi Scheme, The Children's Blizzard, George Washington and the Poison Peas, The Dover Demon by NewTV |
Sat 11/30 | 9:30 PM | Colour in Your Life Nick Eggleston |
Sat 11/30 | 9:54 PM | Colour in Your Life Susan Harrison-Tustain |
Sat 11/30 | 10:30 PM | A Novel Idea: Meet the Author 'Animals I Want To See' by Tom Seeman by Danvers Community Access Television |
Sat 11/30 | 11:00 PM | Butterscott: Behind the Butter by Jonathan Barbato & Jonathan Pressman |
85 Park Ave., Arlington, MA 02476
Phone: (781) 777-1115
Monday – Thursday, 10-6; Friday, 10-5
85 Park Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476
Phone: (781) 777-1115
Monday – Thursday, 10-6; Friday, 10-5