Ben Wetherbee joins us in the studio for a delightful program of oldtime fiddle tunes and songs – accompanied by Ruth Rappaport.
For this episode, we focussed on the next generation of younger players carrying forward – the torch – of old time music . oldtime music is hardly a stagnant phenomenon. it is always evolving – often with subtlety – but nonetheless evolving. , And with Ben Wetherbee, weexplore that evolution , what it means to him . And what it means to us older players.
Ben was lucky enough to grow up in a family that really valued music. Both of his parents are fine musicians . He was introduced to the violin at a relatively young age and took to it and developed into a fine and highly respected fiddler. While mostly versed in old-time music , as a college student, he immersed himself in Irish traditional music while studying abroad in Cork Ireland. His curiosity with Cajun Country and Bluegrass has led him to develop skills there as well. I am really excited to have done an episode featuring this up and coming young fiddler.