Current costs for institutional eldercare—at assisted living communities and nursing homes—range anywhere from $5,000-$15,000 a month. Yet 40% of elders today have no savings. While the well-heeled may enjoy a gentle slide into their golden years, what about the rest of us?
Joining Peter to discuss “The Maine Approach,” a new model for building low-cost, community-based eldercare, is Dr. Allan Teel. Dr. Teel has over three decades of experience as a family physician in Damariscotta, Maine, and is author of the book, Alone and Invisible No More: How Grassroots Community Action and 21st Century Technologies Can Empower Elders to Stay in Their Homes and Lead Healthier, Happier Lives. He is also the founder and president of Full Circle America, a national organization dedicated to empowering communities to help their elders safely remain in their homes.