Crew Opportunities – Week of January 28

All productions this week are at ACMi’s Studio A at 85 Park Ave.Let us know if you are available for any of these programs:

Tuesday January 29

– Steve Katsos Show – Season 10 Episode 4
If you’re interested in joining the internationally aired, LIVE variety/entertainment show, you’re in luck, there are still roles available!  Or enjoy a spot up front as audience member!  All shows have a general crew call of 5:45 pm and a meeting after the show, before we strike and clean. We are done by 9:45 pm so this is a 4 hour volunteer commitment on select Tuesdays.Crew: 5:45-9:30PM
Film: 8-9PM
See previous episodes:
Watch live on Tuesday (8-9PM)

Wednesday January 30

– Faith Speaks
Join us for this in-studio shoot discussing religion.  General crew help needed for setup and switching.Film: 3-4:30PM
Recent episode:

–  Studio Knights
Join us on Wednesday evening at Studio A for a musical production of AM Garden with Alessio and pizza at 6!
Film: 6:30-8:30PM
OTHER EVENTS…Double Take – Local Storytelling Event
ACMi is helping with a storytelling event called Double Take by the Arlington Human Rights Commission.  If you have a story to tell, we want to hear it!  Record your story at home and then submit it to the AHRC Double Take Team for review. They are hoping to get a wide variety of perspectives from all walks of life.  Eight stories will be selected to be told at live at Town Hall on 2/9.  Video submissions are due this Thursday 1/31.  Let us know if you want help filming your story, any other questions email

Submit your video online:

Blue Jean BallThis Saturday, Feb 2nd is the annual Blue Jean Ball an evening of live music, dancing, fashion, and food.  If you’re interested in attending, consider filming the event!

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January 28, 2019
