ACMi Highlights of the Week – December 13

ACMi Sports

Local Teen Makes Studio B Sessions Debut

We are delighted to debut a new episode of the popular series, Studio B Sessions. In this latest installment, we welcome teenage folk singer-songwriter Ella Grace in to Studio B for a mixed set of covers and original tunes, including a song she wrote expressly for her mom! Ella is a 16-year-old Arlington native who has already developed an engaging performance style – her musical chops, combined with a voice that is both powerful and impressively versatile, make for a very potent presentation. We hope to be “Graced” with Ella’s presence again in the future on Studio B Sessions, but for now you can enjoy her music on the Public channel.

ACMi Sports Coverage Rolls into Winter

We’re kicking off the Winter sports season this week with the AHS Varsity Girls playing their first hockey game of the year. It’s airing on our Education channel, where you will also find wall-to-wall coverage of Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball and Boys’ Hockey over the next several months. Play-by-play and color commentary, along with multiple camera angles, slow-mo and instant replay, will combine to bring you the most engaging Arlington sportscasts we’ve ever had. See for yourself – Go Ponders!

Our 2017-18 Year in Review

Ever wondered just what – and how much – content and connectivity ACMi generates in a year? Every fall season at about this time, we publish our Annual Report and convene our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Both of these serve as a succinct recounting of what we’ve been up to over the previous twelve months. The broadcast of the AGM includes video compilations that summarize our programming across a wide swath of subjects, including youth, sports, public affairs, news, and original productions. At ACMi, we are always striving to offer greater and greater value to our community. Tune in to the AGM, airing throughout the week on the Public channel, and decide for yourself how we’re doing!

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December 13, 2018
