ACMi, Arlington’s community-produced television station recently offered Arlington nonprofit organizations help in publicizing their services by means of a one-minute PSA (public service announcement) produced, without cost, at ACMi’s digital TV production facility for local cablecasting and for their own use as well.
On June 24th and 25th eleven organizations came, one at a time, to 85 Park Ave in Arlington Heights for a one-hour production session each. Their PSAs began airing on ACMI’s Public channel on July 9th. On August 20th, three more organizations made PSA’s in the ACMI TV studio. All the PSAs are being shown multiple times on ACMi channels throughout the summer and fall and will be viewable by the more than 15,000 Arlington households currently receiving ACMi programming via Comcast, RCN, and Verizon. They are also viewable online via our website whenever the PSAs are cablecast to Arlington viewers.
ACMI’s mission is, in large measure, to help Arlington nonprofits fulfill their missions by providing a production and distribution pipeline to the potential beneficiaries of their good work — our Arlington neighbors. Therefore, once per year ACMi is offering Arlington’s nonprofit organizations the opportunity to produce and cablecast, for free, a PSA that would normally cost big bucks to make at a commercial video or TV production facility. More exciting still is that the PSAs, whenever aired on our channels, can be seen worldwide via our website’s video streaming capability.