Please help us stop the Federal Communications Commission from gutting funding for Community Media, including ACMi!
You can read more in: Dan Kennedy’s article for WGBH and this article in Wicked Local Arlington.
The deadline to file reply comments is December 14!
The Federal Communications Commission is planning to give cable companies a big gift this holiday season: a pass at paying for the use of our streets to run their wires into our homes. The fees that Comcast, Verizon, and RCN pay to the Town of Arlington supply more than 99% of ACMi’s funding. If those payments go away, so will video production training; support for area nonprofits; coverage of local issues and events, including concerts, sports games, and government meetings; and the production of thousands of hours of unique local programming.
This is the time to make your voice heard by filing comments with the FCC opposing this change. Please follow the steps below. And hurry – the deadline for reply comments is December 14. It will take just a few moments of your time to register your opposition to this plan. Here’s how:
1. Write a brief letter, on letterhead if you are representing an organization, starting with this opening: Date The Honorable Ajit Pai, Chairman
The Honorable Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner
The Honorable Brendan Carr, Commissioner
The Honorable Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner
Federal Communications Commission
455 12th Street, Southwest
Washington, DC, 20544
Dear Chairman Pai,I write to support the Comments of the Cable Act Preservation Alliance (“CAPA”) and to disapprove of the proposals and tentative conclusions set forth in the FCC’s September 25 Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making in Implementation of Section 621(a)(1) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 as Amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, MB Docket 05- 311.(Then add your comments about why you think continued support of community media is important – describe how you value Arlington Community Media Inc. (ACMi) and how important it is in Arlington.)Close by requesting their continued support of community media, and sign your letter.
2. Now you need to upload it to the FCC website:go to
– In “Proceedings” enter “05-311”
– In “Name of Filer” enter your name or your organization’s name
– In “Type of Filing” select “Reply Comments”
– In “Address” enter your Address
– Enter your City, State, and Zip Code
– Attach your letter (if you have one)
– Check “Email Confirmation”
– Enter “Continue to Review Screen”
– Enter “Submit”
You should receive an email confirmation.
That’s it! Oh, and if you can, please send a copy of your letter to:
Thank you!