Amping Up the Other 2 Rs (Reduce & Reuse)

This webinar takes aim at pre-consumption behavior and explores the options available to residents so that our community makes meaningful strides toward zero waste. Implementing these other two “Rs” is the obvious path toward reducing trash tonnage to meet our Town’s goals. We’re not just talking about carrying a refillable water bottle anymore. How can we make this a more socially-acceptable movement… Even a lifestyle choice?

Join us to learn about waste reduction strategies and ask your questions. Panelists Lauren Fernandez (Zero Waste Analyst at @Conservation Law Foundation), Sarah Levy (Owner of @Cleenland), and @Veronika McDonald King (Founder of @Everything is Free Arlington, MA), will share their insights and how we’re working toward zero waste.

Produced by | December 1, 2021 | , ,
