Beyond Recycling: Divert More Trash and Get to Zero Waste

Zero Waste Arlington’s Earth to Arlington Beyond Recycling Webinar Series

Arlington’s trash hauling and processing contract is up for renewal in 2022. Zero Waste Arlington wants to help residents stay informed about what program options control disposal costs while increasing valuable materials recovery. We’ll discuss new options the Town could pursue, such as financial incentives and regulations for households and businesses/restaurants to reduce their waste, contain litter, and participate in diverting organics from their trash.

This webinar will be moderated by Scott Mullen, ZWA committee member, and feature Kirstie Goodwin Pecci, an environmental attorney, and director of the Zero Waste Project at Conservation Law Foundation, and Julia Greene our MA Department of Environmental Protection MassDEP Municipal Assistance Coordinator.

Produced by | December 1, 2021 | , ,
