

Peeragogy In Action #6: Visualizing Life Patterns

And now…for something completely different!

Design patterns? What are they, and how do they determine, affect, or change the course of our lives? Why is it important to visualize them?

Architect Christopher Alexander famously described a design pattern as a “solution to a problem in a context,” and spotting and identifying patterns have become favorite activities in the Peeragogy Project.

In this episode, as host Joe Corneli and researcher Noorah Alhasan discuss the topic, artist Amanda Lyons visually interprets “patterns for life.” Leo

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Production & Archives: https://piercepress.com/peeragogy-in-…​
Peeragogy Project: https://peeragogy.org​​ (also on GitHub)
Amanda Lyons: https://www.visualsforchange.com/​​
Noorah Alhasan UT/Austin: https://noorahalhasan.com/

Produced by | April 29, 2021 | ,
