AHS Rebuild

AHS Building Project

3 years ago

It's a massive project that so far is on schedule and within budget. And Phase One at Arlington's new high school is now officially complete! Town leaders and other dignitaries were on hand for the opening tour of the new Arlington High School building, Monday, February 28th. With Phase One...

3 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit: https://www.acmi.tv...

3 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit: https://www.acmi.tv...

3 years ago

Website: http://acmi.tv/news/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acminews Twitter: https://twitter.com/acminews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acminews/

4 years ago

The ongoing rebuild of Arlington High School recently reached another milestone. To commemorate the moment, AHS seniors were invited to contribute in a way that will last forever. ACMi's high school production team captured this lovely story, and share it with us here. Website: http://acmi.tv/news/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acminews Twitter: https://twitter.com/acminews Instagram:...

4 years ago

It has been many years in the making, but the first steel column for the new Arlington High School was recently raised, officially kick-starting the next phase of the construction project. ACMi's senior news producer Anim Osmani captured this significant moment, and spoke with AHS Building Committee members about what...

5 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit: https://www.acmi.tv...

5 years ago

Residents overwhelmingly approved the debt exclusion ballot one question, a 291 million dollar undertaking that gives the town the green light to move forward with rebuilding Arlington High School. Nearly 77% of Arlington residents voted for the new school. The strong support is taking project leaders by surprise. ACMi's Brenda...

5 years ago

View ACMi's recording of ballot returns and interviews regarding the June 11th local election. Website: acmi.tv/news Facebook: facebook.com/acminews Twitter: twitter.com/acminews Instagram: instagram.com/acminews

5 years ago

Arlington residents are still debating the debt exclusion to fund a new high school. It's a crucial vote that determines the future of Arlington high school students and clearly affects Arlington property owners. Here are reactions from residents for and against question 1. Website: acmi.tv/news Facebook: facebook.com/acminews Twitter: twitter.com/acminews Instagram:...