Driving Forces

4 years ago

One of the more exciting reactions we've seen to the hardships brought on by COVID-19 is CoCaSha, which stands for Connect Care Share. Founder Bahia El Oddi started the nonprofit as a way of connecting chefs who had lost their jobs with folks looking for customized cooking classes. Bahia and...

5 years ago

On the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance (Nov 17), Driving Forces speaks with Valerie Overton, co-chair of Lexington's LGBTQ group LexPride, about her five decades of social activism, from the protection of migrant laborers in California, through the era of fear around HIV/AIDS, to her current work in...

5 years ago

For most people, being transgender, chronically ill, black, and in a wheelchair wouldn't leave much room to take anything ELSE on, but Noah Stang-Osborne is not "most people." Noah came into the studio for a candid, remarkable conversation about how they became an LGBTQ activist despite the daunting challenges they...

5 years ago

The organization Massachusetts Climate Strike put together a protest/strike to gain the attention of public leaders hoping they will implement effective policies in the battle against climate change. Griffin Gould is an Arlington High School student and Activist that worked with Mass. Climate Strike and helped organize the event. Produced...

7 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit www.acmi.tv

7 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit www.acmi.tv

7 years ago

Neil Osborne, Esq. is an activist, lawyer and past President of the Mystic Valley Area Branch MVA-NAACP (the local NAACP branch). The Driving Forces (Profiles in Social Activism) series looks to highlight the efforts, accomplishments and experiences of social activists. One of the goals of the series is to share,...

3 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit: https://www.acmi.tv...

3 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit: https://www.acmi.tv...

5 years ago

Christine Dorchak and Carey Theil run GREY2K USA WORLDWIDE, one of the biggest organizations trying to abolish greyhound racing across all 50 states and the world. Their reach has extended from Arlington, Massachusetts to Florida and even overseas to China. They sat down with the crew here at ACMi and...