Peeragogy in Action

Welcome to Peeragogy in Action, your no-longer-missing guide to peer learning and peer production! This series of the Peeragogy Project ( provides an interactive space where our audience and active participants can explore and present the philosophies, concepts, tools, and practical applications of non-hierarchical learning and production from colleagues and peers in all walks of life. Produced collaboratively under a CC0 license. Live-streamed via video to YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn; distributed to and all major audio podcast apps.

4 years ago

Welcome to this first official episode of the Peeragogy Podcast, where we collaborate to build the no-longer-missing guide to all things relevant to peer learning & peer production. This regular video/audio podcast aims to provide an interactive space where participants and audience can explore the philosophies, concepts, contributors, and practical...

4 years ago

"Most social media sites are designed for profit," Pete Forsyth of WikiStrategies tells us, "and fanning the flames of division and misinformation can be profitable. Wikipedia stands apart." How is Wikipedia different? The platform is not driven by the same profit motives of YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook; in fact, its...

4 years ago

Join CICOLAB (Collective Intelligence Collaboratory) co-founders Lauren Nignon and Charles Blass as they report initial findings on what makes “Peeragogy for Kids”, with inputs from Howard Rheingold, Jerry Michalski, Open Global Mind and CICOLAB crew members at the Flow Show. Weaving the story beyond “learning pods”, sprouting the LearninGarden in...

4 years ago

Peeragogy is all about learning how to do something by finding some like minds with diverse skills, and doing it! In this episode, we explore the collaborative publishing process. We will learn from two Peeragogy Handbook contributors who have written and published books: Howard Rheingold and Bryan Alexander. The conversation...

4 years ago

Welcome to Peeragogy In Action, Episode 5! Do we control data, or does data control us? In this episode, we dive into the ethics of data from technology scholars Paola Ricaurte and Yasmine Boudiaf. Paola is a professor Department of Media and Digital Culture at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City...

4 years ago

And now...for something completely different! Design patterns? What are they, and how do they determine, affect, or change the course of our lives? Why is it important to visualize them? Architect Christopher Alexander famously described a design pattern as a "solution to a problem in a context," and spotting and...

4 years ago

As we move through a period of turmoil in the health, political, and social spheres, the instigators of the Open Global Mind (OGM) project are aiming for sense-making, a movement that is by definition and in practice, always a work in progress. Open Global Mind is a project to build...

3 years ago

How can an organization or enterprise build community and foster #collaboration to fulfill its mission? In our first Peeragogy Accelerator of 2021, we take you on a virtual tour of the community media station in Arlington, Massachusetts, where the art of collaboration has generated quality programs for public, educational, and...

3 years ago

You are invited to join us as we evolve our plans for the Peeragogy Course 2021! We will give a a high level preview of course content, discuss an example of peeragogy in action with the "News on Wiki" project and highlight one of the course assignments: contribute to a...

3 years ago

Why do we avoid challenging or difficult conversations? What are the patterns and best practices we can draw on for positive outcomes? What do you intend to accomplish by bringing up a sensitive topic or engaging in a difficult conversation? In this episode of Peeragogy In Action, our panel will...