Unraveling India

Unraveling India is a show produced by Deepak.

7 years ago

Rinku Singh Rahi, an Indian government whistleblower, who was beaten and shot for speaking the truth. This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents,...

7 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit http://www.acmi.tv

7 years ago

EmpZen presents Unraveling India. The goal of the show is to make Americans familiar with the true past and present, opportunity and challenges of India. Come join us! To find out more visit http://www.acmi.tv

7 years ago

Kalpana Saroj - from a Dalit (formerly untouchable) child bride to a successful entrepreneur. Anybody can make it big if given an equal opportunity and freedom to pursue their dream. Music: Royalty Free Music from Bensound Voice Over: Cyn This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc....

6 years ago

According to Transparency International, a Washington-based corruption watchdog, India ranked 81st out of 181 countries on a 2017 global corruption index. Although a democracy, India ranked below undemocratic China and Saudi Arabia. In India, it is a newsworthy occasion if an honest officer is found. But such honesty comes at...

6 years ago

In Hindu societies, priests are at the top of the hierarchy, followed by worrier caste, merchant and daily workers. At the bottom of the social ladder is the last group—people who are not, in a sense, even part of the system. Historically called Untouchables, they are today known as Dalits,...

6 years ago

The judiciary has long been considered the last line of defense against anarchy. And with India heading towards lawlessness as a result of vast power being held in the hands of a few in the midst of a corrupt system, this defense is under fire as well. It has its...

6 years ago

The judiciary has long been considered the last line of defense against anarchy. And with India heading towards lawlessness as a result of vast power being held in the hands of a few in the midst of a corrupt system, this defense is under fire as well. It has its...

6 years ago

In the 190 years leading up to Britain’s departure from India in 1947, the per capita income of average Indians had not grown, while the literacy rate was just 18%. Since independence, modern education and jobs have still not reached most Indians. Almost bankrupt, India was in 1990 forced to...