Your Arlington Dollar

3 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit:

4 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit:

6 years ago

Longtime Finance Committee chair Allan Tosti pays his annual visit to Your Arlington Dollar to look at the town's 2019-20 budget and explain the role of the Finance Committee in the budgetary process. Of particular relevance to many Arlingtonians are Allan's thoughts about whether upcoming override and debt exclusion votes...

6 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit

6 years ago

Deputy Town Manager joins YAD to take a comprehensive look at how your money is being spent on town operations and services. Tune in, and you will leave with a thorough understanding of the fiscal picture in town, just ahead of a likely override vote in the spring. This video...

6 years ago

Veteran Select Board member Dan Dunn visits Your Arlington Dollar to walk us through two big asks coming up for Arlington voters - the debt exclusion for the high school rebuild, and the operating override it may be paired with. Topics covered include how we got here, what the numbers...

6 years ago

Arlington Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine sits down for a candid conversation on a difficult subject - income inequity in Arlington. He discusses ideas, plans, and programs to mitigate the impact on Arlington homeowners of the override and high school rebuild that residents will soon be voting on. This video was...

6 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit

6 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit

7 years ago

This video was created in coordination with Arlington Community Media, Inc. in Arlington, MA. ACMi is dedicated to providing an electronic forum for the free exchange of information and ideas which reflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and diversity of the Arlington, Massachusetts community. To find out more visit