Arlington’s longtime State Representative Sean Garballey has a primary challenger this year, and ACMi will be the venue for a 30-minute debate between that challenger, Lori Lennon, and Representative Garballey on Thursday, August 16th. Both candidates will also film Candidate Profile interviews of 15 minutes each. ACMi will then present both the Profiles and the Debate in a single hour-long format several times a week in the period leading up to the Primary Election on Tuesday, September 4th.
ACMi is very pleased to provide this opportunity for residents of Arlington and West Medford to hear directly from the candidates for this important position in the State House. Our aim, as always, is to make it easier for voters to fully inform themselves about their choices before entering the polling booth, and to encourage and facilitate robust public discourse. You’ll find the Profiles and Debate airing regularly on our Government channel – and please, don’t forget to vote on September 4th!