

2024 A-Town Film Festival is Pure Arlington


ACMi was delighted to host the 11th annual A-Town Film Festival at its traditional venue – Arlington’s iconic Regent Theatre – on Thursday, May 21. This year’s version of the festival was an all-Arlington affair, thanks to the contributions of Arlington High School students enrolled in AHS’s brand-new filmmaking course! Their instructor, Adam Gooder, has taught filmmaking for years at several Boston-area schools, and that extensive experience was reflected very well in the quality and variety of the student works on display.

The local focus brought in a sizable crowd, who were also drawn by the world premiere of Mayor!, a feature film whose relatively short run-time (22 minutes) doesn’t take away from its dramatic and comedic heft at all. An inventive, witty script combined beautifully with across-the-board excellent acting to produce a powerful narrative that pulled the audience into its spell. A panel discussion with Mayor!‘s cast and crew (pictured in celebratory pose above) was a popular follow-up to the film.

Congrats to all involved, from Mr. Gooder and his students to Mazen Abukhalaf, an AHS junior who wrote and directed Mayor!, as well as his impressive cast and crew. And special kudos to the team behind Mr. Badder, the clever spoof that won the award as the top choice among the student films!

Jasper Hamilton (far right) and Adam Gooder (second to right) present the Best of Festival award to the creators of Mr. Badder.

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May 28, 2024
