Sammy Snail’s Puppet Show

Sammy Snail’s Puppet Multi Media Event ( is a show with a purpose. It recently taught children and adults at The Regent Theater in Arlington how to deal with stress in a positive and calm way.

Through video and a live performance Sammy the Snail has to face every day problems, but much like ourselves struggles to stay calm and positive.

“We think that families are challenged. It’s a busy, crazy world and everybody needs skills in their toolbox for how to create great relationships,” said Lesley Smith, ventriloquist and puppeteer who plays the role of Sammy Snail.

The tool Smith uses is from a program called HeartMath. It focuses on making sure the brain is in tune with the heart.

“We’re touching our heart and we’re using heart focus and heart breathing and heart appreciation to actually shift our brain waves and our heart waves to actually bring them into coherence,” Smith went on to say.

It’s something young and old can relate to, show attendee Jane Nugent commented.

“It was really entertaining and really exciting and really amazing. It was an excellent message. We all took home with us.”

“It was resonant today with the politics the way they are, divisive. We should be more open and more loving,” added viewer Dave LeCompte.

It’s the kind of take away the non-profit performing arts organization that brought Sammy Snail to the Regent Theater, Imagine Studios hopes for.

Kristine Malpica, the Executive Director of Imagine Studio says, “It’s more important than ever, and so we hope that our show will remind people of the importance of peace and love and joy and togetherness, rather than separation.

