

ACMi’s State Senate Election Coverage

In anticipation of the upcoming special primary election on June 27 for the 4th Middlesex District State Senate seat formerly held by Ken Donnelly, ACMi recently covered the Candidates’ Forum that took place in Arlington’s Town Hall.
ACMi also held extended conversations with each of the three candidates – Cindy Friedman, Sean Garballey, and Mary Ann Stewart. We have labeled these “Candidate Profiles,” and that is how they are titled on our TV schedule. They are NOT, however, a formulaic series of identical questions and timed answers, as is often the case. Instead, these are truly conversations in which the candidates are not bound to specific time limits in their answers, and the interviewer is also free to follow up on specific points in the candidates’ responses. This format enables the viewer to get both a more personal view of each candidate and a more detailed perspective on the issues that they’re most impassioned about.

To access both the Candidates’ Forum and the full series of “Candidate Profiles,” please click on the links below, and


Published by: 


June 8, 2017
