

News Directors Meeting : Postponed

Due to the short notice of the event, the News Director Meeting has been postponed until further notice.  We will keep everyone up to date with any plans.  Our goal is to have as many producers in attendance as possible so that we can host an exceptional event.  Thank you for understanding. – APN


Arlington Public News offers Arlington citizens an opportunity to provide hyper-local journalism to the Arlington community, while utilizing the facilities, training, and outlets of ACMi. When I first joined the news team, I was so overwhelmed by the support and positivity I received right off the bat. Because of this environment, I’ve accomplished much more than I thought possible and am eager to share my story and hear others’. Arlington Public News recognizes the hard work that goes into producing community media and welcomes other communities to share their own experiences.

On May 17th, Arlington Public News is hosting a local news summit to every community media station in the state. The goal of the meeting is to learn from each other about the successes, and best practices on the part of all news directors to keep local news vibrant, and relevant for our communities.

The long-time journalist and news producer, Marco Werman from Public Radio International’s The World, will be our guest speaker. The event will allow for discussion and questions as well as presentations and speeches.

Please use this opportunity to meet our team and learn how you can participate. Help us continue to build community awareness and understanding, while developing your own skills in media production

Please join our effort to strengthen and contribute to our community, and help provide relevant news to the people it affects the most.


Published by: 


May 7, 2014
