Hear young independent filmmakers share their journeys in filmmaking and get a candid account of their creative process.  Panel includes: Jasper Hamilton, Jessica Barnthouse, Nicolas Thilo-McGovern, and Nuria Pellicer.  Moderated by Phil Healy of Boston Open Screen.  Free and open to the public, refreshments provided.



Jessica Barnthouse is a commercial and creative filmmaker based in Boston. She got her start in cable access after studying English and print journalism in college. Her corporate clients include Fidelity Investments, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, PBS, and various advertising agencies. Her first feature documentary, The Man in the Mask, will begin its festival run in 2019. Jess was born and raised in East Tennessee, yet has no southern accent. She is sorry.




Nicolas Thilo-McGovern was born and raised in Cambridge MA. It was there that he discovered his two passions in life, filmmaking and politics. Nicolas was born into a political family; his father is a politician and social worker, and his mother is a women’s rights activist and a leading member of the housing organization, A Better Cambridge. Nicolas learned from them the importance of ethical business practice, helping those who cannot help themselves, and using the privilege he was born with to help those who are not as lucky as he. These are all lessons he tries to bring into his films. Starting when he was only seven years old, Nicolas made films with his friends on the weekends, and when he attended high school at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, he took what he learned to a local television studio. Currently, Nicolas studies at Emerson College in Boston, where he is majoring in Visual Media Arts and minoring in Marketing Communications. He is the writer and director of the Emerson College student-produced film, Speak to Me.



Jasper Hamilton is a twenty-two-year-old independent filmmaker located in Arlington, MA. Since the age of eleven, Hamilton has been working to become a filmmaker, taking part and learning at ACMi throughout high school. He writes, directs, films, edits and scores every film he has ever made (a problem the director hopes will be resolved as soon as he gets some money for his films). The young filmmaker fully believes that where there’s a will, there’s a way, and makes films with whatever resources are available. In the past four years, Hamilton has moved from short films to feature-length projects. This past year, he completed his third film, entitled “Cody’s House,” and is hoping to make it into some festivals in the coming year. Currently, Jasper is completing the script and beginning preliminary production work for his next feature to be shot in November of 2019.

Nuria Pellicer was born in Canada and raised in the United Arab Emirates. She is currently based in Boston where she is a film production student at Emerson College. Over the last couple of years, she has focused on producing and post-production. Currently she is the General Manager of Emerson Independent Video, the largest student run production organization in the country. Last semester I finished production on my final thesis film and this semester I will be completing the editing of the project.


Phil Healy is a Boston based filmmaker, comedian, and all around no-do-gooder. He’s worked in Boston, New York, and Los Angeles on various projects for MTV Networks, Paramount, Sony, and Comedy Central. His feature length documentary ‘My Name Is Jonah’ has played all around the world and has won numerous awards. You can catch on Beta Max TV, BKOD (Brooklyn On Demand), or online. He also has numerous other shorts traveling the film festival circuit. Phil co-presents Boston Open Screen at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, a monthly open mic for filmmakers, and is also a Technical Director for the Boston Underground Film Festival. By day he works in Public Access Television teaching community members about video production and the dangers of unlicensed and predatory docking.


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January 7, 2019
