

ACMi News: June 03, 2022

For the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, area residents gathered at town hall to say thank you to our veterans. A salute to the honored dead who gave the last full measure of devotion.

Prior to the Memorial Day observance, Ottoson students gathered to honor our men and women in uniform. They heard a stirring story from a combat pilot who cheated death with her quick thinking while her aircraft was disintegrating under her at more than 400 miles an hour. Her message to students? Never give up no matter what.

Hundreds of flags make for an overwhelming sight on Park Ave. as Arlington’s Rotary Club holds it’s annual Flags for Heroes campaign. And there is still time to get a flag and honor a mentor who made a lifelong connection and impact.

A newspaper that covered Arlington for 151 years now shares its column space with Winchester. Does that help or hinder coverage here at home? We talk to the editor of YourArlington.com to find out.

All that and more on ACMi News.

Produced by and | June 3, 2022 | ,
