Arlington Public News: 2018 Year in Review

Arlington saw many news stories in the year 2018. Some were inspiring, others contentious. Some happy and others not so happy. But all were informative and they helped define who we are as a community.

For the next few minutes in this special New Year’s edition of Arlington Public News, we will show you just some of the news stories that put their indelible stamp on year 2018. Clearly, some stories you’re about to see will have a major impact on what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Here’s APN’s final look back at just some of the Arlington news stories from a year that now belongs to history.

Beer Garden in Whittemore Park

Balich 5 & 10 Closing Day

Bus Rapid Transit Pilot Rollout

Alewife Herring Count

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opens

Red Sox’ Wicked Scary Halloween

I Want to Ride My Bicycle!

Remembering Kevin Greeley

Snap Shot: Columns Stay & Pot Arrives

Chief Fred Ryan Retires

Produced by and | January 2, 2019 | , ,
