Snap Shot: Affordable Housing & Store Closing

The Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously to contest the state’s recent decision relating to the Mugar Housing Project. The Department of Housing and Community Development rejected the calculation of Arlington’s affordable housing, agreeing with Oaktree developers that the town does not meet the 1.5% minimum of affordable housing by land area. Oaktree is proposing 219 units of housing along Route 2 in East Arlington. The location; a problem for the town and residents who have concerns over wetlands.

Arlington ice cream lovers are in for a not-so-sweet surprise. As APN first reported the long-running Diggums ice cream shop in Arlington Heights has been seized by the state. The notice by the Department of Revenue is not the first to go up at the former Brigham’s ice-cream parlor. The owners of the Massachusetts avenue shop have had other non-payment issues the past few years. This time around, the business was closed for nonpayment of taxes. No word on when or if the shop will reopen.

An apartment complex gets the go-ahead from the Arlington Redevelopment Board. On Monday, December 5th the ARB granted a special permit for a 34-unit affordable housing development at Downing Square in the Heights. Two buildings along Lowell Street and Park Avenue will house one to three bedroom units available for rent to low income residents. The project will total 32,000 square feet and will include 23 parking spaces. Most area residents at the meeting were in support of the new construction. The units still need approval from the Conservation Commission and wouldn’t be built until 2018 at the earliest.
