

Topic: Public Affairs

AIFF Storyteller Cheryl Hamilton

Cheryl Hamilton is a resident of Medford, a consultant, and the coordinator for Massmouth, a local non-profit that promotes the timeless art of storytelling. In her role, Cheryl is responsible

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AIFF Dream by the Siwen Dance Group

Siwen Jiang is an international artist, choreographer and dance teacher, who received a Bachelor’s degree in dance from Tianjin Normal University and a Master’s from College at Brockport, State University

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Talk of the Town | Fred Ryan

APD Chief Fred Ryan is a strong proponent of Restorative Justice initiatives. In this episode, he tells us why that is, and addresses other ways in which the department is

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Million Dollar Gift – Brucie Moulton

Meet Brucie Moulton, Arlington resident, activist and dedicated volunteer to many causes in Arlington. Her passion and long-time service to others and the town are among the many gifts she

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