

ACMi Alum Makes Good (to say the least!)

Among the distinct pleasures of late summer are the impromptu visits made by those who spent a lot of time at ACMi in the past and have now moved on to college or other walks of life. They’ll come in to visit mentors, to check out the latest enhancements to our facilities and equipment, or simply to share some news of import. Take Jared Bessette-Kirton, for example. Jared first became involved with Arlington cable access as a middle-schooler, and made ACMi history when he worked the Sochi Olympics for NBC in 2014 while still in college! He didn’t stop there, and recently dropped by our studio to share his latest accomplishment – a 2016 Emmy Award for Technical Achievement! Jared works on a team that produces 4K broadcasts of Major League Baseball for the MLB Network, and they were recognized for their outstanding innovation with this cutting-edge technology. As you can see above, Jared was delighted to celebrate this achievement with old friend (and mentor) Jeff Munro. Congratulations, Jared – we urge you to invest in a larger mantle at home now, since it sure looks like you’re going to need the extra space!

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September 13, 2017
