

ACMi Highlights of the Week – February 14

aCATpella 2019 Hits All the Right Notes

In August of 2015, Arlington lost a bright young life and beautiful spirit when Catherine Malatesta succumbed to a very rare form of cancer – epithelioid sarcoma – at the age of 16. Her legacy lives on in a very powerful way, as each year the community comes together to enjoy aCATpella, an evening of transcendent a cappella music that both pays tribute to one of Catherine’s favorite activities and supports a dedicated fundraising effort on behalf of the Sarcoma Foundation of America and the Catherine J. Malatesta Scholarship Fund. The 2019 lineup was once again stellar, featuring premier ensembles from a number of colleges across Massachusetts as well as the AHS Madrigal Singers, and the event raised an impressive amount for this important cause. It debuts this week on our Education channel – tune in to this feast for the ears!

Do a Double Take

In the spirit of The Moth Radio Hour and other storytelling events, the Arlington Human Rights Commission once again invited the community to take part in Double Take on Saturday, February 9. A number of Arlington residents recounted incidents, episodes, and experiences from their own lives for the sizable audience in attendance, and ACMi provided a LIVE broadcast of the event. The speakers’ stories ran quite the gamut, both in subject matter and tone – from lightly comic to powerfully poignant – and those assembled were amused, moved, stimulated, and heartened. At least two things were clear to one and all: storytelling is indeed a powerful art, and there is a real hunger in our town for more of it. You can see (and hear) for yourself, since Double Take will be airing regularly on the Public channel. Enjoy!

Seth Moulton for President??

U.S. Representative Seth Moulton made a splashy debut on the national scene when he unseated a 9-term Congressman in 2014. He has maintained a consistently high profile since then with his vociferous opposition to Donald Trump and his calls for a “new generation” of Democratic leadership. That profile may get even more prominent if he does indeed enter the race for the Presidency in 2020, as he is currently considering. So we are very excited to be able to present to our audience a Town Hall Forum that Moulton hosted this past weekend, thanks to our friends at Wilmington Community Television. Although he doesn’t directly address a potential 2020 candidacy, he answers a number of questions from the audience, which was composed of many out-of-towners. For those of you who like to read the tea leaves, or who just want to learn a little more about this apparent rising star, you’ll find the Forum on our Government channel.

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February 14, 2019
