Update: Kevin Greeley will be waked Tuesday, November, 27 at Town Hall from 2 p.m.-7 p.m. Family and friends are invited. Full funeral arrangments are here. Arlington Public News will have a report on Greeley’s impact on the town and his memorial services in our next newscast on Friday.
The Town of Arlington has announced that Kevin Greeley, a member of the select board for nearly 30 years, has died. The announcement was posted to the Town of Arlington website, Saturday, November 24th.
Reached by phone, select board chair Dan Dunn called his passing an “end of an era.” Dunn went on to say that Greeley “did so many things for the town, being on the select board was his most visible role, but he did so much more than that.”
Greeley and his family have long served the town, his father Joseph, having been a selectman before him and siblings who predeceased him also having served the town. His brother Bobby currently serves on the Board of Assessors.
The town release, signed by Dunn and town manager Adam Chapdelaine says “we feel [Kevin’s] loss dearly, and we extend our thoughts and support to all who are affected. Kevin’s father Joseph was a Selectman before him, and Kevin and his siblings carried on that legacy of volunteerism… The Town will greatly miss his service.”