

Prodigal news director returns to acmi

It’s not often in life that you get “a second bite at the cherry,” as our British friends like to put it, so we are delighted to report that both ACMi News and Jeff Barnd are enjoying exactly that situation. You see, about a year ago, after a very successful two-year stint as ACMi’s News Director, Jeff (or JB, as we call him) felt compelled to venture down south to pursue an intriguing career opportunity. And ACMi News altered course as well, turning to Communications Manager (and ACMi News veteran) James Milan to take the helm as the ongoing pandemic made searching for a new News Director particularly challenging.

ACMi News weathered the changes pretty well, but that didn’t stop us from jumping at the chance to welcome JB back into the fold once it became clear that his southern adventure was not working out as he would have liked. JB made his return to ACMi News in early September, and has spent his first weeks back reacquainting himself with the equipment and processes he’d mastered in his first tenure, but then didn’t get to use enough while in Mississippi.

It won’t be long, however, before he once again is a constant presence on ACMi newscasts as a go-to reporter, and behind the scenes as our once-and-future ACMi News Director. Welcome “home,” Jeff!

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October 4, 2021
