In this edition of Arlington Public News, we take a look back at some of the top news stories we covered this past year and the impact many of those
The HAWK is out and Red, Yellow, Green are in. The town hopes changes in signaling and bike crossing patterns in Arlington Center cut down on confusion, increase traffic flow
The Arlington Safe Center Travel Project brought major signaling and bicycle traffic pattern changes to the intersections around Mass Ave, Pleasant and Mystic Street, and Swann Place earlier this year.
Boston’s seaport district is home to three autonomous vehicle design firms. Self driving cars are being tested, and taught, in the chaos of the hub’s traffic. What impact will the
Changes are being made to the proposed bike path crossing at Lake Street, but it’s still not enough for some and others say it misses the mark all together. [pdf-embedder
In celebration of 25 years of the Minuteman Bikeway, we take a look back at what was around before the bike path was built: the Lexington & Arlington Railroad.
New concepts are proposed for the Bikeway crossing at Lake Street.
 The Minuteman Bikeway is celebrating 25 years of growth. From commuters to recreational cyclists, and walkers, increased usage has had a significant impact on the town’s infrastructure, commerce and sense
Cyclists can enjoy more than natural beauty along the bike way right now. Pathways is a series of public art installations along the path. Animals, insects and word pairs greet
After 25 years of use, APN takes a look back at how the Minuteman Bikeway got its start, and how it is used today.
The HAWK lands in Arlington Center and ruffles some feathers.
As the Minuteman Bikeway enters its 25th year, we look back at the origins of this popular rail trail.
Arlington drivers will be taking things a little slower come May first. Watch for lower speed limits on many town roads.
Change is coming to Arlington Center–literally. Residents will soon be inserting coins or credit cards into brand new parking meters along Mass Ave and surrounding streets. Even with a first-15-minutes-free
85 Park Ave., Arlington, MA 02476
Phone: (781) 777-1115
Monday – Thursday, 10-6; Friday, 10-5
85 Park Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476
Phone: (781) 777-1115
Monday – Thursday, 10-6; Friday, 10-5